Listing an Item
Last updated
Last updated
Items can be listed in one of two ways.
Adding a new item from the Marketplace (Home) screen
Relisting an item that you previously took possession of
To do this, simply click on the green icon with the plus sign and complete the necessary details.
Item Category - select the category of your item. Options are sports equipment, books, maps, and other items, toys, and pool inflatables
Item Description - a full description of the item that you are giving away
Item Photo - use your phone camera to take a picture or select and exiting picture from your albums
Availabe for collection from - this is the earliest date and time that someone can collect the item, i.e. the date from which you no longer plan to use it
Available for collection till - this is the latest date and time that someone can collect the item. If the item is not collected by this date and time, it will automatically be removed from the platform
Location - use this field to type in an select the hotel or resort name where you are staying and the item is available for collection. Please make sure that this is the correct location to ensure there is no disappointment when it comes to exchanging the item
Collection Instructions - please list any specific collection instructions. Many users list a common area at the resort (such as reception) and then use the chat functionality to finalise collection.
Once you are happy with the details, click Create and the item will be added to the marketplace. If you wish not to add the item to the market place, simply click Cancel.
This is the second method if listing an item.
This feature is helpful when you have taken possesion of an item and then wish to pass it on for others to use, once your holiday is over. To do this, navigate to the item from My Items on the bottom navigation bar and click Relist Item. You'll have the opportunity to change any of the item's details, including dates.
Please make sure to update the dates for item availability and collection when re-listing an item.